Medico-Legal Magazine

Issue 26

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Medico-Legal Magazine Issue 26

Published by: SpecialistInfo & Iconic Media Solutions

First published: June 2024


SpecialistInfo Medico-Legal Courses 2024
By Lisa Cheyne

“Just Sign Here” – Thoughts on Consent in the Post-Montgomery Era
By Mr Amar Alwitry

A Case Report From The Medical Protection Files, Discussing How An Anaesthetic Error During Breast Surgery Resulted In A Clinical Negligence Claim For Psychiatric Injury
By Dr Sabira Hughes

The Intersection of PTSD, Chronic Pain, and Personal Injury: Navigating the Complexities of Treatment and Litigation  
By Dr Michael D Spencer MA

Secondary Victim Claims After The Supreme Court Decisions In Paul, Polmear And Purchase
By Jennifer Harris

Book Review - Clinical Negligence Sixth Edition 2023
By Mikaler Cutts

Expert Witness Directory

Medico-Legal News
By Lisa Cheyne

Welcome to Issue 26 of the Medico-Legal Magazine, produced by SpecialistInfo and publishing partner Iconic Media Solutions Ltd.

This summer issue of 2024 coincides with the SpecialistInfo Medico-legal Conference, and all delegates will receive a printed copy.

In our Expert Witness Directory we showcase more featured experts, who are available for instruction now.

The following articles are in this issue:

Jennifer Harris, Capsticks Legal Director and speaker at the Conference summarises the recent Supreme Court decisions involving secondary victim claims; and

Mr Amar Alwitry, Consultant Ophthalmologist, expert witness and speaker at the Conference, opines on informed consent and how this might affect medical professionals.

Dr Sabira Hughes, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, presents a case report involving anaesthetic awareness; and finally

Dr Michael D Spencer, Consultant Psychiatrist, Expert Witness and speaker at the Conference, discusses the complex interaction between PTSD, chronic pain, and personal injury litigation.

Once again, the magazine will be circulated to up to 40,000 people in the industry, including doctors, insurance companies, law firms and medico-legal agencies. It has a dedicated website and a page on the
Medico-Legal Section of the website,, where all the back issues can be viewed. Printed copies can be ordered from Iconic Media.

Specialistinfo maintains a database of contact details for up to 90,000 UK consultants and GPs, including approximately 11,000 consultants and GPs who undertake medico-legal work. We also provide Medico-Legal courses for expert witnesses and promote the members of the Faculty of Expert Witnesses (the FEW).  

We welcome feedback from our readers, so please contact us with any suggestions for areas you would like to see covered in future issues or share your news and experiences with us.

Lisa Cheyne


Medico-Legal Magazine